Sunday, October 12, 2008

Return to Normalcy

Or would be if I had the slightest idea what that meant.

I am headed back to work tomorrow; Friday was one week after the surgery; we'll see how I do. I am more sore now, actually, around where my gallbladder actually was and am trying to get my blood sugars back on track. The week before the surgery I hardly ate at all, and then who knows what all the meds did to them. Actually did eat four times today; am well on my way back to six.

In the meantime, I am grateful I missed some of October, but have to come back to it now. It is true that it gets a bit easier every year, but it still is very hard and I am already battling the agoraphobia. I would like nothing more than to lock myself in the bathroom for the remainder of the month. Thursdays cannot come quickly enough.



kat said...

I wanted to say I love your blog and how honest you are. May your first day back be a good one.

Alli Kay said...

Well, I thank you for those kind words. How did you find me?

kat said...

I saw your blog listed on someone elses blog and checked your site out. I really liked it so I've been coming to it ever since.

Alli Kay said...

Well, thanks! I am working on several other posts, but some of the subject matter is very hard to see in black and white.