Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mothers' Day

Is hard for me for obvious reasons. But also for not so obvious ones.

It's hard because all who know me and know the truth ignore the fact that I am a mom. While I don't expect any expensive gifts, it would be nice to be acknowledged with the others on that day whose children are living.

I went through labor and child birth twice and have no children. I saw my first born in the hazardous waste bin after the abortion. My second was too early in the pregnancy to look like anything recognizable. I have never even seen him. (Just a guess, don't know if it was a boy; the girl I saw.)

It's really hard that no one acknowledges my cbildren on that day. Not me, but them. They get ignored and hidden once more. I am a mom. I have two children.

And I miss them.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Photobucket Fun from Cookie

1. Answer each question
2. Type your answer into photobucket
3. Take a picture from the results and post

1. The age you will be on your next birthday

27 dresses

2. A place you would like to travel

BeautifulSunset in Costa Rica

It's Costa Rica

3. Your favorite place


4. Your favorite object


5. Your favorite food


6. Your favorite animal

7. Your favorite color


8. The town in which you were born


9. The town in which you live


10. The name of a past pet


11. A favorite celebrity

The Dog Whisperer

12. Your screen name/ nick name

Alley Cat

It's an Alli Kat

13. A favorite song

Straight Lines

14. Your middle name

15. Your last name

yeah right

Not posting that here!

16. A bad habit of yours
biting nail

17. Your first job


18. How you feel about your life

19. One word to describe you
